Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hatsune Miku: The World’s Virtual Diva!

Today I tried to dig deep into some topics about about Hatsune Miku. For example about the artwork about her or the 3d models of her. I didn't really succeed, because whichever topic I took, it seemed to have very deep roots and needed lots of time to get a comprehensive overview. This was something I expected, but I didn't think it would be that hard.

Todays finding is this video. You may have see it already, but if you haven't, then this is certainly worth watching. This video is a documentary about Vocaloid and Hatsune Miku success in music industry. It was released quite recently by Channel ASAHI and in my opinion gives a good introduction to the topic. This is the source where I found this video.

This video contained many well known videos and music from Miku, but here is my most favorite of them:

In the video one produces said "Western people have been exposed to this music longer... ". Here is the proof, sortof.

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